This page summarises all the pages of information we have for parents. We hope these will answer all your questions, but feel free to ask if there’s anything else you need.



What you need to know before bringing your child down for the first time. Some of this is quite important, so read carefully.

kinross cluster girls

It’s sometimes hard for girls in the Kinross cluster to keep up with the Dollar girls, who play much more hockey. Here’s what to do.

Indoor hockey

We play indoor hockey on Sundays during the winter months. Find out more here.

KoBRAS and their kit

Everything you need to know about kit and hockey equipment: how to get hold of match and training kit, and advice on sticks, gumshields, and so on.



A page on the different pathways children can take in their hockey career, both in the club and outside it, whether as player, coach or umpire.